Message from the Directors
There have been a few changes to our 2025 Show Schedule due to some unforeseen circumstances.
April 12 - 13 - Not confirmed
April 26 - 27 - Confirmed
May 10 - 11 - Confirmed
May 24 - 25 - Not confirmed
May 31 - June 1 - Not confirmed
We apologize for this inconvenience and are continuing working towards securing cattle and dates. We will update you as soon as we have confirmations.
Thank you for understanding.

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About the ICHA
Grassroots cutting at its finest!
The Interior Cutting Horse Association was formed In 1984 by an enthusiastic group of individuals. The priority of the association was for the beginner and novice horse & rider.
Today our goal is to keep the interest and enjoyment in the sport of cutting going with consideration to the economic level at which our members can still participate in this challenging and exhilarating sport. In addition, we maintain the priority to encourage new membership for beginners, novice horses and novice riders to the sport. Our classes have been created to provide attainable goals for beginners to advanced members, with the consideration of allowing horse and rider as partners to progress to a more challenging level each year if the so choose. We also offer youth classes for our family members.
Our shows are usually two day events and our goal is to provide fresh cattle for ALL classes. The order of classes are drawn each the 1st day and the class order reversed for the 2nd day. The order of go in each class is drawn each day. We provide qualified judges for the benefit of our members to receive realistic and fair scores that are accumulated for year end awards. We are very fortunate to have a good group of turnback and corner help that attend each show.
We wish you the best of luck in attaining your goals.